Unforgettable seventeen-year-old Luke has grown up in an essentially matriarchial society surrounded by an eclectic bunch of women, including his bohemian New Age mother, his New England puritan grandmother, and his two charming and lovely half sisters. In the midst of all this kind chaos, Luke manages to create his own belief system that revolves around his passion for brain science. According to Luke, "without evidence, you just have hope, which is nice, but not reliable." It is the end of his junior year and he is drowning in college applications when his unbeknownst-to-him-father writes him a letter inviting him to spend the summer with him in Los Angeles. Did I mention his father turns out to be a fairly well-known television star? Luke accepts his offer, and the pair get to know each other, set against the backdrop of Hollywood life. Secrets are revealed, innocence is lost, and when Luke returns to his mother in New England, he quickly realizes that that "we don...