the lover's dictionary by david levithan

This addictive lexicon adeptly and poetically defines love through a series of small moments. Each entry details another realization, from the couple's beginnings (autonomy, n. "I want my books to have their own shelves," you said, and that's how I knew it would be okay to live together), to their romantic decline (dispel, v. It was the way you said," I have something to tell you." I could feel the magic drain from the room.) Levithan illustrates the unease of giving up too much (reservation, n. There are times when I worry that I've already lost myself... that my self is so inseparable from being with you that if we were to separate, I would no longer be) and the inevitable giving in (balk, v. I was the one who said we should live together. And even as I was doing it, I knew this would mean that I would be the one to blame if it all went wrong...) A gorgeous book, not to be missed. Click here for a full review and dont' miss Mr. Levithan's twitter feed of extra entries.

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