where'd you go bernadette by maria semple
Former award-winning architect and MacArthur genius Bernadette has had it with Seattle: its volunteering helicopter moms clad in Birkenstocks, its timid drivers, and its endless rain are sending her over the edge. She loathes leaving the house so much that she hires a virtual assistant in India to manage her affairs. When her daughter Bee asks for a family trip to Antarctica as a reward for years of perfect grades and her Microsoft bigwig father agrees, the prospect of the trip causes Bernadette's slim grasp on the day-to-day reality of her life to slip. When she disappears, Bee gets right on the case, and, via a series of intercepted emails, letters, and, yes, FBI reports, figures out where her mother went. The perfect beach or rainy day read. Click here for a full review. Grade 10+